Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Our leaflet, Water meters- your questions answered provides information for household customers about metering. If you want to find out more about meters, you can contact your water company for advice.
Ofwat does not hold archived Rateable Value information. This is because we do not set bills. Your water company should hold a list of Rateable Values and you may wish to contact it.  
Water companies keep up to date maps of sewers and water mains for which they are responsible. You can find further information about pipe responsibility on our website here. In the first instance if you have any queries regarding your pipework, please contact your water company.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding your water bill, in the first instance please contact your water company. Ofwat does not have a role in individual billing disputes. Billing disputes are typically handled by the Consumer Council for Water (CCW).