A consultation on the outcomes framework for PR19

A consultation on the outcomes framework for PR19

Published date: November 29, 2016
Closing date:


About Consultation

This consultation discusses how we can make outcomes better reflect customer preference at the 2019 price review (PR19). Outcomes are the objectives valued by customers and society which companies aim to deliver. The outcomes framework is one of the key elements of PR19.

We introduced outcomes for the first time at the 2014 price review (PR14) to encourage companies to focus more on delivering what their customers want. The outcomes framework was a major innovation and we are consulting on ways outcomes could be developed further. In particular, we are consulting on how companies’ performance commitments can be made more stretching (higher service levels), how outcome delivery incentives (ODIs) can be strengthened, how we can better reflect resilience in outcomes and how performance commitments can be made more transparent to customers.

We have a number of supporting documents at the bottom of this page.

Responding to this consultation

Please email responses to [email protected] or complete the response form below. We will take account of the views from respondents to this consultation in the further development of our outcomes policy for PR19.

Supporting documents