About Consultation
This document invites comments on our proposal to modify condition B of Thames Water Utilities Limited’s (Thames Water) conditions of appointment. The purpose of the modification is to allow Ofwat to set a separate price control for the period 2020 – 2025 for the work Thames Water carries on the Thames Tideway Tunnel project.
Under section 13 of the Water Industry Act 1991 (WIA91), we are able to modify the conditions of a company’s appointment if it agrees to the modifications we are proposing to make. Thames Water has provided its indicative consent to the modification set out in this consultation document.
This document is a Notice under section 13 of the WIA91.
Responding to this consultation
We invite stakeholders to comment on our proposed modification by Friday 3rd August 2018. You can email your responses to [email protected] or post them to:
Richard Barton
Centre City Tower
7 Hill Street
Birmingham B5 4UA.