Our spending


You can find out here about the procurement processes we follow when purchasing goods and services from suppliers.

In making purchasing decisions, we comply with the legal and policy framework that governs public sector procurement, and seek to follow best practice. Contract managers manage all of our purchasing, supported by a professional procurement function.

We publicise all opportunities greater than £10,000 widely using the my tenders portal and Contracts Finder.

Banking Services

As a central government body, Ofwat is mandated to bank through the Government Banking Service (GBS).  We do not hold any contracts directly for these services as we are not able to hold a local business bank account independently. The GBS contract directly with financial institutions to be able to provide the service to the public sector.  View more information here or contact the GBS directly for contracting details.

Audit Services (Financial)

Ofwat has procured the services of Grant Thornton until 31/03/2018. For further information on Ofwat contracts please visit Contract Finder.


Ofwat does not hold any contracts of this nature.

Card Processing Services

Ofwat uses Government Procurement Cards. View further information on our expenditure.


You can view our live contracts here.

Merchant services

We do not operate any merchant services as our revenue streams do not require this service.


As part of our commitment to transparency we publish the following information about Ofwat:

Annual report and accounts

You may also be interested in our forward programme and our annual report and resource accounts. These contain information about the work we are planning to do, the work we have done and our financial accounts. We are required to publish these by law.