Complaint against Southern Water about the reasonableness of connection costs

Case number


Summary of case

We investigated a complaint we received about the charge levied by Southern Water for making a new water supply connection to a residential premises, to determine whether the expenses incurred in making the connection under Section 45 of the Water Industry Act 1991 were reasonable. We concluded that Southern Water should refund the Complainant the sum of £1,209.81 (plus interest).

Wider lessons for companies and customers

  • We reiterate that we do not find it reasonable for companies to charge multiple management and administration fees, beyond that charged in the initial application fee.

Date opened

10 November 2015

Date closed

15 June 2016

Relevant powers

Section 45 of the Water Industry Act 1991

Relevant Ofwat guidance

Charging for new connections: a discussion paper

Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) Comparative Study: Cost of new water supply

Independent review of section 45 administration fee and overhead costs on behalf of the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) – Summary

Final determination


If you have a query about this case, please contact: [email protected]

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