
As of April 2017, eligible English customers have been able to choose to act as their own retailer by having a water supply and/or sewerage licence (WSSL) with a retail authorisation that is limited to self-supply. More information on the business retail market can be found on the Open Water website.

Licensees limited to self-supply in the market will:

  • Continue to receive water and wastewater supplies from the water company in the geographical region(s)
  • Provide their own retail services to their business rather than paying a retailer to provide these services.

A licensee limited to self-supply (“self-supplier”) can only supply its own premises and the premises of people or companies associated with it. Licensees limited to self-supply are not able to supply retail services to premises of third parties, such as supplying other business customers unrelated to its own business.

A WSSL limited to self-supply can only be granted to supply premises supplied or served using the supply or sewerage system of an appointed company whose area of appointment is wholly or mainly in England. A WSSL limited to self-supply is not available to provide services to premises supplied using the supply system of an appointed company whose area of appointment is wholly or mainly in Wales.