Gate one submissions and final decisions

RAPID’s role in the gated process (working with the partner regulators and Natural Resources Wales) is to assess the progress made in development of each solution and to provide advice and recommendations to enable Ofwat to make decisions on continued funding for progression of the solutions.

The following decisions will be made at gate one:

  • whether solution and options within it should progress to gate two;
  • applying incentives and allowable costs;
  • whether alternative and/ or additional solutions should enter the process;
  • and what is required for gate two submissions.

Read more about the gated process.

Gate one proposed solutions:

Read a summary of the final decision findings.

Read a summary of the draft decision findings.

View all of the RAPID schematics for gate one.

Solution submissions
Draft decisions (published 14 September 2021)
Final decisions (published 8 December 2021)
Solution owners
Solution schematic
Anglian Water – Affinity Water Transfer Draft decision Anglian Water – Affinity Water Transfer Final decision Anglian Water – Affinity Water Transfer Anglian Water and Affinity Water Map showing Anglian Water – Affinity Water Transfer
Fenland Reservoir* Draft decision Fenland Reservoir Final decision Fenland Reservoir Anglian Water and Cambridge Water (South Staffs Water) Map showing Fenland Reservoir
Grand Union Canal Strategic Transfer Draft decision Grand Union Canal Strategic Transfer Final decision Grand Union Canal Strategic Transfer Affinity Water, Severn Trent Water and Canal & River Trust (The Trust) Map showing Grand Union Canal Strategic Transfer
London Effluent Reuse  Draft decision London Effluent Reuse Final decision London Effluent Reuse Thames Water  London effluent TMS to AFW
Minworth effluent reuse Draft decision Minworth effluent reuse Final decision Minworth effluent reuse Severn Trent and Affinity Water Minworth
Severn to Thames Transfer (STT)  Draft decision Severn to Thames transfer

Penderfyniad drafft gât un safonol ar gyfer Trosglwyddo o Afon Hafren i Afon Tafwys

Final decision Severn to Thames transfer

Penderfyniad terfynol gât un safonol ar gyfer trosglwyddiad o Afon Hafren i Afon Tafwys

United Utilities, Severn Trent and Thames Water  UU SVT Vyrnwy Min 2


UU SVT Vyrnwy Min WE

Severn Trent Sources (STS)
Draft decision Severn Trent Sources


Penderfyniad drafft gât un safonol
ar gyfer Ffynonellau Hafren Trent

Final decision Severn Trent Sources


Penderfyniad terfynol gât un safonol ar gyfer ffynonellau Hafren Trent

Severn Trent Map showing Severn Trent Sources 1 of 2

A map showing Severn Trent Sources 2 of 2


SVT Source 2 WE

SVT Sources 1 WE

South East Strategic Reservoir Option (SESRO)  Draft decision South East Strategic Reservoir Option Final decision South East Strategic Reservoir Option Affinity Water and Thames Water  Map showing South East Strategic Reservoir Option
South Lincolnshire Reservoir  Draft decision South Lincolnshire Reservoir Final decision South Lincolnshire Reservoir Affinity Water and Anglian Water  A map showing South Lincolnshire Reservoir option 1

A map showing South Lincolnshire Reservoir option 2

A map showing South Lincolnshire Reservoir option 3

Thames to Affinity Regional Transfer  Draft decision Thames to Affinity Regional Transfer Final decision Thames to Affinity Regional Transfer Affinity Water and Thames Water  A map showing Thames to Affinity regional transfer
Thames Water to Southern Water Transfer  Draft decision Thames Water to Southern Water Transfer Final decision Thames Water to Southern Water Transfer Thames Water and Southern Water  Map showing Thames Water to Southern Water Transfer 
UU Sources Draft decision UU Sources


Penderfyniad drafft gât un safonol ar gyfer Ffynonellau United Utilities

Final decision UU Sources


Penderfyniad terfynol gât un safonol ar gyfer ffynonellau United Utilities

United Utilities A map showing UU sources


UU SVT Vyrnwy Min WE

Vyrnwy Aqueduct
Draft decision Vyrnwy Aqueduct


Penderfyniad drafft gât un safonol ar gyfer Traphont Ddŵr Efyrnwy – Ofwat

Final decision Vyrnwy AqueductPenderfyniad terfynol gât un safonol ar gyfer Traphont Ddŵr Efyrnwy
United Utilities A map showing Vyrnwy aqueduct


UU SVT Vyrnwy Min WE

West Country South Sources and Transfers (WCS) Draft decision West Country South Sources and Transfers Final decision West Country South Sources and Transfers Southern Water, South West Water and Wessex Water A map showing West Country South Sources & Transfers
West Country Southern Water Transfer (WCT) Draft decision West Country Southern Water Transfer Final decision West Country Southern Water Transfer Southern Water, South West Water and Wessex Water A map showing West Country Southern Water Transfer 1 of 2

A map showing West Country Southern Water Transfer 2 of 2

* This is a new solution

Further information

Ofwat wrote to each of the water companies below to communicate its decisions:

Draft decisions Final decisions
Letter to Affinity Water on draft decisions for gate one Letter to Affinity Water on final decisions for gate one
Letter to Anglian Water on draft decisions for gate one Letter to Anglian Water on final decisions for gate one
Letter to Cambridge Water on draft decisions for gate one Letter to Cambridge Water on final decisions for gate one
Letter to Severn Trent Water on draft decisions for gate one Letter to Severn Trent Water on final decisions for gate one
Letter to South West Water on draft decisions for gate one Letter to South West Water on final decisions for gate one
Letter to Southern Water on draft decisions for gate one Letter to Southern Water on final decisions for gate one
Letter to Thames Water on draft decisions for gate one Letter to Thames Water on final decisions for gate one
Letter to United Utilities on draft decisions for gate one Letter to United Utilities on final decisions for gate one
Letter to Wessex Water on draft decisions for gate one Letter to Wessex Water on final decisions for gate one
Letter to Affinity Water on final decision for gate one for South East Strategic Reservoir Option
Letter to Thames Water on final decision for gate one for South East Strategic Reservoir Option