Consultation on the measures of experience performance commitments at PR24

Consultation on the measures of experience performance commitments at PR24

Published date: July 12, 2023
Closing date:


About Consultation

Water companies in England and Wales need to improve the customer service they provide to residential customers, developers and businesses.

Through our 2024 price review (PR24), we are driving improved outcomes by linking the returns of investors to the services they provide to customers using the outcomes framework. Companies that perform relatively well can recover greater revenue from their customers, while companies that fall short are required to return funding to customers through lower bills.

This document sets out our proposals for the high-level design of the measures of experience at the 2024 price review (PR24). This includes the following mechanisms, which we introduced at PR19:

  • the customer measure of experience (C-MeX);
  • the developer services measure of experience (D-MeX); and
  • the business customer experience in Wales performance commitment.

While not in scope of this consultation, we also provide an update on the business and retailer customer measure of experience (BR-MeX), which is new for PR24.

Responding to this consultation

We invite responses to this consultation by 26 September 2023.

In parallel to our review of the high-level design of the measures of experience and their incentives at PR24, we have started reviewing detailed implementation issues. We will continue to consider these survey and sampling issues, working with water companies and other stakeholders, during the determinations phase of PR24.

Considering the responses we receive, as well as any future stakeholder engagement, we will set out our policy proposals in the PR24 draft determinations, due to be published in May 2024 for consultation, ahead of our PR24 final determinations in December 2024. Our final policy decisions will take effect from April 2025.