Enabling new water resources – a consultation on commercial arrangements

Enabling new water resources – a consultation on commercial arrangements

Published date: December 5, 2023
Closing date:


About Consultation

RAPID, established in 2019, is the Regulators’ Alliance for Progressing Infrastructure Development. We are a partnership of three water regulators: Ofwat, the Environment Agency and the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI). Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is involved in an advisory capacity and has a decision-making role for any strategic water resource solutions involving Wales, Welsh policy and legislation.

RAPID provides advice and recommendations on the development of strategic water resource solutions to the partner regulators, Ofwat, the Environment Agency, DWI and to NRW. The responses to this consultation will feed into our advice to partner regulators and to NRW.

This consultation builds on our 2021 consultations1 on the regulatory and commercial frameworks required to support the development of those strategic water resource solutions.

This consultation sets out our further thinking and assessment of policy options on commercial frameworks, specifically in relation to commercial / contractual models including bulk supply water transfer agreements and associated policy, such as charging.

We welcome views on our proposals and assessment of policy options as set out in this document.

Given the high level of interest we have received we are extending the consultation closing date to Wednesday 20 March to enable all interested parties further time to respond.

Supporting documents