Notice of proposal to insert a special licence condition into Castle Water Limited’s licence, and to revoke the licences of Castle Water (South East) Limited and Castle Water (Southern) Limited

Notice of proposal to insert a special licence condition into Castle Water Limited’s licence, and to revoke the licences of Castle Water (South East) Limited and Castle Water (Southern) Limited

Published date: February 26, 2024
Closing date:


About Consultation

Market entry, exit and consolidation are common features of competitive markets and it is often the case that the make-up of such markets evolves over time as new entrants join the market, successful firms grow and less successful firms exit.

Following previous acquisitions, the company that trades under the name Castle Water operates in the business retail market through three sets of water supply and sewerage services retail licences (“WSSLs”), and has requested that it consolidate these such that it operates under one (Castle Water Limited).

Responding to this notice

We invite stakeholders to make comments or representations on the proposals set out in this notice to:

  1. Modify the licence of Castle Water Limited to introduce the special condition set out above.
  2. Subject to the above, to revoke the licences of Castle Water (South East) Limited and Castle Water (Southern) Limited.

We ask that such responses are submitted to us by no later than 25 March 2024. You can email your responses, as well as direct any enquiry you may have about this document to [email protected].