Enforcement case into South West Water about the accuracy of its reported leakage and per capita consumption performance


Enforcement case into South West Water about the accuracy of its reported leakage and per capita consumption performance

23 May 2023

Case summary

We have opened an enforcement case into South West Water to investigate the accuracy of the performance figures the company reported for its leakage and per capita consumption (PCC) performance for the regulatory reporting period 2021-22. Companies have outcome delivery incentives linked to performance in these areas as part of their price controls, receiving outperformance payments for exceeding targets and incurring underperformance payments where they miss their targets. This investigation follows Ofwat’s determining in November 2022 that we would defer our decision on these performance commitments for South West Water to ensure the reported values represent the most accurate record for the period concerned.

Relevant powers

Section 18 of the Water Industry Act 1991

Date opened

23 May 2023


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