Change proposal 005 - Water sector documents - Modification to water sector guidance Appendix G: : Levels of service: Change of metric definition (S4/1) - Final decision

Change proposal 005 - Water sector documents - Modification to water sector guidance Appendix G: : Levels of service: Change of metric definition (S4/1) - Final decision

66.18 KB - PDF



23rd March, 2022




Determinations and decisions


Fair Water Connections (FWC) submitted this change proposal on 26 July 2021 to the Independent Water Adoption Panel (the Panel), with the Panel publishing the proposal on its website on the same day. FWC has requested a change be made to SLPM S4/1 (source of water delivery date). On 5 January 2022, the Panel recommended to Ofwat, by unanimous decision, that we approve the change proposal. The Panel has recommended making the changes as set out in FWC’s change proposal and had not proposed any alternative wording or additional changes.