Variation of Anglian Water’s appointment to include Northstowe Phase 1

Variation of Anglian Water’s appointment to include Northstowe Phase 1

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20th January, 2015




Information / New appointments and variations


On 14 November 2014, Ofwat began a consultation on a proposal to vary Anglian Water’s appointment to become the water provider for a development in South Staffordshire Water’s water supply area called Northstowe Phase 1 (“the site”). When fully built, the site will consist of 1,500 household properties. The consultation ended on 12 December 2014. During the consultation period, we received one representation which we considered in making our decision. On 19 January 2015, we granted Anglian Water a variation to its existing appointment to enable it to supply water to the site. This notice gives our reasons for making this variation.