Complaint against Severn Trent about the reasonableness of connection costs

Case number


Summary of case

We are investigating a complaint we received about the charge levied by Severn Trent for making new water supply connections to a residential premises. We will determine whether the expenses incurred in making the connections under Section 45 of the Water Industry Act 1991 were reasonable.

Date opened

5 December 2014

Relevant powers

Section 45 of the Water Industry Act 1991

Relevant Ofwat guidance

Current status

We opened the case after carrying out an initial assessment.  We have written to the company and complainant to tell them the case has been opened and requested more information.


  • We will consider the information provided by the company and the complainant.
  • We will make a draft decision (‘draft determination’) on the case. We estimate we will do this in February 2015.
  • We will consult the company and complainant on our draft determination.
  • We will consider the views the company and complainant
  • We will make our final decision (‘final determination’) on the case. We estimate we will do this in April 2015.


If you have a query about this case, please contact: [email protected]

Media enquiries should be directed to the Ofwat Press Office: 0121 644 7642 / 7821 / 7616 / [email protected]

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