Bioresources market information

This page provides links to bioresources market information published by each of the eleven regional water and sewerage companies in England and Wales as well as a dashboard to visualise the information. Further information about bioresources can be found on the bioresources market page.

Companies’ bioresources market information includes:

  • locations where bioresources are produced and treated, the quantities and some quality information;
  • transport route information;
  • supply and demand of treatment capacity information; and
  • renewable energy information.

Since 2018, companies have been obliged to publish market information at least annually by the end of July each year. We published our ‘Bioresources market information direction’ in May 2021 which updated these requirements. The objective of this is to:

  • to provide standardised and defined information to enable potential market participants to identify opportunities to supply services in the treatment, transport, recycling and disposal of bioresources;
  • to ensure information is comparable and reliable for use by market participants; and
  • to enable us to monitor the bioresources markets to see how effectively they develop.


We publish a dashboard to help make companies’ published information more accessible. It does not reproduce all the information companies publish (which can be found in their own publications) and some figures reflect our own calculations.


You can also download an Excel file of the  2022-23 data.

Companies’ publications

Anglian Water
Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
Hafren Dyfrdwy
Northumbrian Water
Severn Trent Water
Southern Water
South West Water
Thames Water
United Utilities Water
Wessex Water

Yorkshire Water