To ensure the success of the business retail market, we require access to appropriate information. We gather this information from a range of sources. Retailers and the market operator hold important information about the evolution of competition such as information about customer activity or deals available to customers. We also use information directly from customers, either through surveys or through complaints.
We expect some of this information to come via stakeholders such as Consumer Council for Water. We expect other parties, such as third party intermediaries, to work with us pro-actively and play a positive role in the development of the market.
We collect information on a regular basis to ensure pro-active monitoring. This allows us to take prompt action to maintain customer trust, help the market develop effectively, and protect customers if we need to. This data collection takes the form of clearly defined indicators collected at regular intervals.
We are not setting targets for any of these indicators to measure success. Instead, they should be seen as evidence that helps us evaluate how the market is functioning and developing.
The indicators should also not be seen in isolation. The success of competition in the market depends on a range of factors, and we consider market intelligence in the round.
Our assessment of these indicators is also context-specific. This is because, as the market develops, low or high levels of certain indicators may take on different meanings. They need to be interpreted carefully alongside a range of other information from a variety of sources.
In addition to planned information gathering, we also use our ad hoc information gathering tools to respond to issues arising in the market in an agile manner. These include informal and formal requests for information and targeted reviews. In doing so we will typically focus on issues of concern that have been brought to our attention, that we consider of importance and on which we do not have enough information to enable us to assess them through our planned information gathering.
View the data lists below: